I went PINK, what are you going to do?
So it is no secret that pink is my favorite color, throw in a bit of black and well you would have one happy girl on your hands, however, I am sure that most people thought I was over the unnatural hair color hair coloring. Not so much. Pink is a really cool hair color too and apparently according to quite a few people I can really pull it off and it makes my eyes look even bluer if that is possible. (PS there are some people, ok one person, who doesn't agree at all and if he had his way it would still be blond, poor guy had no idea what he was in for when he met me) I do have another reason other than to be shocking to have my hair pink. Two weeks ago tomorrow I ran in the All Out Pink 8 mile race in Manteo. It was the longest I had run since the half marathon in April and part of me was a bit scared I couldn't make it quite that far anymore, I did, and on top of that I ended up with a longer distance run PR. I made a decision when I signed up for this race th...