The ABC's of Outer Banks Bootcamp
A rmy Crawls B urpees C rab Pinches (that was only me .. Thanks Coach) D olphins E ight Points F Bombs (yea yea yea only me.. AGAIN) G ratification H onor I CAN J umping Jacks K ick Backs L unges M ind over Matter N ever Give Up!!!! O cean Dips (and Trips.. yea that was only me too) P ush Ups Q uick Walking R unning S unrise T raining U CAN TOO V ideos (thanks Christine) W aves X #$%#$@# Blisters (just mine) Y ES you can.. I KNOW you can! Z ippers full of Sand All before 7 am. It was kinda of a rough morning for me today, my foot is still extremely sore from the Half Marathon, but I did show up and I put as much as I could out there, and probably a few bad words too. Ok no probably, I did leave some really bad words out there, especially when the crab pinched me. Nothing like having your Coach drop a crab in your hand when you are doing squats and say "DON'T drop it!" The darn thing pinched me immediately, b...