Another one in the books...

Bootcampers Storm the Hill.
On Friday Deanna and I graduated our first bootcamp that we did together. I am incredibly proud that she did this and stuck to it and is down a total of 16 lbs. I am not down anything because well summer hit and I decided to party too much, more on that later.

Deanna and me
Thursday night late I received a text message from my good friend Amy telling me that we were going to run to the monument in record time the next morning. My first reaction was "Hahahahaha NOT!" then I figured oh what the heck.. why not. So I went to sleep in fear of the next morning after setting TWO alarm clocks and reminding Deanna to set hers as well. Turned out to be a really good thing I asked her, because neither of mine went off!

After jumping up 20 minutes late and rushing around like a mad woman I got to the meeting spot on time and sent Deanna off in search of the Middle School, imagine my horror as I watched her pull out of the parking lot going the wrong way! Apparently she figured it out because she was at graduation.

We stretched a bit as a team and took off on our run to Holy Hill. I started out close to the front and stayed there for a bit, it wasn't long before Adam told me to take the flag. I remember toting that flag the first time and the second time and really really struggling trying to run and hold that and you know breathe, this time it wasn't so bad and he actually ended up telling me to slow down. (that has NEVER happened before). When I handed over the flag to... ummm I really don't remember who... I said ok I am going to hold my position and only fall back when the new person comes to get the flag. I did that for quite a ways, then all of a sudden I was four foot behind the person in front of me.. then five.. then one person passed me, then two.. I remember exactly how it felt. It felt like defeat! Sure enough I started falling back and the next thing I knew I was running along and just annoyed as hell. I TRIED to pick it up the tiny little bit I needed but for some reason it just wasn't there. Thank heavens for Amanda (yes once again she saved me) she ran along with me, encouraging me every time I said something grumpy like.. I can't believe I am behind!

At some point I did say out loud "my ONLY GOAL of today was to stay with the group to NOT fall behind." apparently I wasn't as far behind as I thought because without missing a beat the guy in front of me (I hate I don't know everyone on my teams names.. we need name exercises to play) turns around and says "umm hello, you are still WITH the group" and he was right I wasn't really behind I was just in the back of the pack. So goal accomplished I did run it faster that any other time because the last two times I did that I was WAYYYYYY behind.

Sea of Red
After a short stop for some words of wisdom from Coach Adam to the base of the hill we went. When we arrived the Hammerheads and Bull Sharks were finishing up their lap around the monument, there were red shirts every where but I couldn't find one, the one that my kid was wearing. I looked and looked no Deanna, then I asked permission to go get her, she was still out there on the track. After the little guppy I went determined to make sure she didn't give up and walk on that last quarter mile. I finally found her and turned around to run her in.. and what does she do, picks up the pace. Umm kiddo YOU have been holding back.. NOT COOL. (Its all good I reported her short comings to Coach Jay... cause I am a mean mom like that) almost to the end this kid takes off and screams "beat ya to the the finish!" She did.. kinda. (enough about that) I was incredibly proud to be running with her that last bit of her lap either way.
Up the Hill! 

Time to head up the hill! Once we were up there and properly seated on the steps (it takes awhile when you have 130 plus people to get properly seated) the General Matt Costa gave us all a good talking to, about where we were, how we got there, and what we needed to do to change it. Again I heard the words "You know what that one thing is that you need to give up, that you just need to let go.." I received a message later in the day,  after announcing what it was that I was giving up, that they saw it in me as soon as it was mentioned and they knew what I was giving up. That message came from one of my biggest sources of inspiration and faith that I can still do this, Doug Meekins. I adore this man and his daughters. Thank you Doug, Lindsey and Erin for being such great team mates! Love you all.

I love this guy!!!
Then it was time to hand out the bands, this was a special graduation for me it was the THIRD! That means I finally get the red band!!! YAY! I was incredibly happy and proud when Matt called my name followed shortly by Amanda and Lisa. The three of us all recieved the red band on Friday together. I thought this was incredibly cool as they have both been such amazing supports of me and my journey. Thanks guys!

Thanks Sir!
Next up Dog Tag awards, it is always inspiring to see people receive these but having one of my best friends sitting right beside me when she was giving hers was amazing. I love you, Ilona and you so did deserve that for all you have done!
My girl, Ilona

With graduation over it was time to say goodbye to the Clownfish and head on to the next team, the next commitment, and the next leg of this journey. Yesterday we started our third and final summer camp, at the end of the day we found out we were now Mahi. The meaning in Hawaiian is "very strong" which is exactly what I am going to have to be to make it through 7 weeks with out a drop of alcohol!
Deanna happy as can be...

Yup that was my give, all drinking. While I don't necessarily have what I would call a problem, it is summer and I was having a little bit too much fun, so I knew that needed to be what I gave up. Its all good though, I can do anything for 7 weeks. And I can't wait to compare this picture to the one at the end of the next 7 weeks!!!
Christine and me.. she is so beautiful.

There are many changes going on in my life right now, physically, emotionally, relationships, mentally.. things seem to be constantly morphing into new things, so I have to say  thank you for all of you that have supported me, are supporting me, and have stood your ground with me even when I am a complete hot southern mess!

Much love to you all.


*All Photos by Courtney Hathaway


Christen said…
It seems like last week you became a Clownfish - now you've graduated this phase too! SO PROUD of you and all of the changes you've gone through. Continue to face them head on and with the drive and determination that has become your signature attitude. Love you!
Lisa said…
Thank you for the shout-out! You are an inspiration to me and proud to call you my friend. Loved this post, made me tear up.
Anonymous said…
nice work...I was there with ya in spirit! sheep.